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Results for "latest_content: 1, main_practice: "Wonder""
Abraham Joshua Heschel Abraham Joshua Heschel on wonder as a state of mind that leads to amazement and gratitude.
The Most Human Human Brian Christian on the highest ethical calling being curiosity.
When the Blue Heron Flies Prayer-poems which affirm wonder in everyday life.
Song of the Universe Richard H. Goodwin's poem about the wonder of soil.
Mala of the Heart St. Catherine of Siena's poem about feeling wonder from abundance.
My Mama Earth A perfect children's picture book for Earth Day.
Swan Mary Oliver's ode to the longevity of everything.
Seasons of Your Heart An exquisite devotional work with meditations on wonder, hope, love, mystery, and faith.
Awaken Your Senses A call for Christians to listen to the report of their senses and see the world afresh in wonder and gratitude.
Awaken Your Senses J. Brent Bill and Beth Booram on awakening your senses to the wonder of God.