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Results for "for_children: n, latest_content: 1, main_practice: Questing=, submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book"
Asking for a Friend A lively look at 16 advice-givers as cultural shapers and morality makers.
10 Years of KidSpirit A superb sampler of youth-written and edited articles, poetry, and original art from the online journal.
The Origin of Others An overview from the award-winning writer of the black experience in America.
A Mind at Home with Itself An exploration of the Inquiry method and its relevance to generosity, bowing, and everyday spirituality.
Writing to Awaken 48 lessons to unearth your true identity and help you tap into a more authentic and meaningful life.
Becoming Curious A recommendation for being animated by curiosity and asking questions on your spiritual path.
Soul Story A philosophical adventure story exploring the many meanings of emergent spirituality.
The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi An engrossing biography of a spiritual trailblazer who was the first Western Tibetan Buddhist nun.
Designing Your Life A down-to-earth resource packed with wisdom and tools for your vocational quest.
Grace Without God A timely and relevant overview of the quests of spiritually independent people to replace the rituals, values, and rich community life of religion.