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Results for "latest_content: 1, main_practice: "Wonder""
Slowing Time A fresh and richly lyrical tribute to the Divine wonders of the four seasons.
1,339 Quite Interesting Facts to Make Your Jaw Drop A playful and entertaining book to draw out your wonderosity.
The Human Age An optimistic picture of the future where wonder is a major spiritual practice.
Gilead The memories of an elderly clergyman revealing his sense of wonder.
Local Wonders A book of prose that moves through a Nebraska year and finds wonders all around.
Sacred Butterflies: Poems, Prayers and Practices A mix of poem-prayers and spiritual practices for those celebrating the universe story
Beauty, Wonder and Belonging An exciting and illuminating book of hours based on a deep appreciation the cosmos and its many mysteries and delights.
Falling into Place Elegant essays on the wonders and enchantments of the natural world in the Berkshires.
Serenity Prayers A poem by Zoraida Rivera Morales about wonder.
The Happiness Hypothesis John Haidt on tears resulting from compassion and from celebrations of love and openness.