Have you wanted to write a memoir? A memoir is a collection of stories – usually arranged by a theme. It does not have to be chronological. It just needs to cover aspects of your life that have been meaningful to you.

If a memoir is on your bucket list, we have a wonderful opportunity for you. Jon M. Sweeney, S&P’s Contributing Editor for Books and New Media, has offered to lend his expertise to a small group of aspiring memoir writers; registration is limited to 75 so that Jon will have time to give you individual attention.

We have known and been working with Jon for 30 years. We can attest to his wide-ranging knowledge of books and his creativity in bringing them to fruition. He started his deep relationship with books as a bookseller in 1988 while in college and continued as a bookseller while in seminary for two years in Chicago, and then two more years in Cambridge, Massachusetts after seminary. Then he moved to the publishing side of things starting in April 1993. That is when our paths intersected as Jon would often travel to New York to introduce us to books he was editing and publishing. He co-founded one of our favorite presses, Skylight Paths. Today he is the Religion Editor/Associate Publisher at Monkfish Book Publishing of Rhinebeck, New York, and Editor of Living City magazine published by Focolare Media.

Jon is the author of 40 books on religious and spiritual themes, including four memoirs, plus one cowritten with his wife, Michal, a rabbi. His latest is My Life in Seventeen Books: A Literary Memoir (our review coming soon). We think he is the perfect mentor for anyone embarking on the memoir-writing path.

Here’s how this program will work.

  • For three weeks, beginning on July 8, you will receive emails on Mondays and Thursdays in which Jon will explain his memoir-writing process and offer tips for your own work.
  • At the end of the second week, you will be invited to send Jon an annotated table of contents of your memoir for his review and feedback. Here the program’s subtitle, “fine-tuning vocation and deepening meaning,” will be touchstones for some of you.
  • During the last week, Jon will explore what he is seeing that works and what might be improved. In life and in memoir, telling the truth is important.
  • On the final day, Thursday, July 25, we will meet on Zoom (5 – 6 pm PT/8 – 9 pm ET) for a Q&A session with Jon. That day’s email will include instructions on how to send Jon your memoir introduction or opening chapter for his feedback in writing.

Because Jon will be giving each participant personal attention, registration is limited to the first 75 people who subscribe (click on the button below). The price for the email lessons, Zoom gathering, and an expert’s feedback on your memoir book idea is $129.00.

Bonus! If you would like to receive a signed and personalized copy of Jon’s latest memoir, My Life in Seventeen Books: A Literary Memoir, (1) send a check for $23 made payable to Jon M. Sweeney, (2) include your mailing address, (3) say how you would like the book inscribed to Spirituality & Practice, 915 W. Foothill Boulevard, Unit E, Claremont, CA 91711.

Monday, July 8 - Thursday, July 25


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